Foot Fracture
If you think you have fractured your foot, visit American Foot & Ankle Specialists for the most advanced treatment and care. At the practice, doctors offer Naperville patients prompt treatment for foot fractures.
what causes a fracture?
A foot fracture, or injury to the bones in the foot, can be caused by many things. Some times, the cause of the fracture is clear such as landing on the ground from a great height or trauma to the foot. The cause of the injury can also be much less obvious and can occur when there is stress on the bones and progress slowly over time. Doctors get clues as to how it occurred by identifying the area of the foot which has been fractured. For example:

  • When the midfoot, the metatarsals, the phalanges, or toes are fractured, it is typically the result of a direct impact to the foot. This can happen when a heavy item lands on it or a kick hits something hard.
  • Heel fractures commonly occur because the person fell from a height or jumped down. The impact can also fracture the knee, hip, ankle, and the lumbar spine.
  • Twisting fractures occur when the ankle rolls inward.
  • Repeated overuse and standing on hard surfaces for extended periods of time without the right kind of footwear can cause stress fractures.
When Symptoms are tied with a foot fracture?
Limping and pain are the two most common signs of a foot fracture. A fracture can also present with:

  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Deformity
A deformity typically occurs when a bone has been shifted out of alignment or there is a joint dislocation. When the person has nerve damage or is diabetic, they may not experience pain. When this is the case, the podiatrist will search for the other indications of a fracture.

  • You experience severe swelling or pain
  • There is a severe deformity or an open wound
  • Cannot put any weight on the foot or ankle
  • Observe infection indications such as warmth at site, fever over 100° F, and tenderness
Schedule a visit with the podiatrist if swelling doesn’t get better after 2 to 5 days and if you experience persistent discomfort which doesn’t get better after a few weeks.
when should i come into the office?
If you cannot walk without limping, the pain is intense, if the foot feels very hot or cold, if the fracture is accompanied by an open wound, or if there is tingling or numbness in the toes, come into the office right away.

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